The website of Art Gallery O-68 has been compiled with great care. Art Gallery O-68 cannot be held liable for any damage resulting from inaccuracies and/or incompleteness that appear on the Art Gallery O-68 website. Art Gallery O-68 can also not be held liable for damage to computer, hardware and software, viruses and other inconveniences and/or loss of time, due to the use of this website.
The contents of the Art Gallery O-68 website, including all images, are copyrighted by Art Gallery O-68 unless otherwise noted. The copyright of all works of art depicted on this site rests with the respective artist. These images may not be used without the express permission of the artist. All other images on this website are copyrighted by Art Gallery O-68 or by the photographer who created the image. Therefore, nothing appearing on this website may be reproduced and/or made public by means of print, photocopy, microfilm, digital or any other means, without the written permission of the artist or Art Gallery O-68. All information on this website is copyrighted. Therefore, reproduction of parts of the text for use in another websites or documentation is only permitted after permission from Art Gallery O-68.
Art Gallery O-68 keeps the website up to date to the best of its efforts. If stated, prices are in € including VAT, unless stated otherwise; subject to price changes. Art Gallery O-68 accepts no responsibility for prices that are incorrectly displayed. Works of art that according to this site are still in stock, may have been sold in the meantime.
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