Wanda Tuerlinckx,
Sinds 2015 maakt beeldend kunstenaar Wanda Tuerlinckx portretten van robots met een camera uit 1880. Zoals de uitvinding van de fotografie destijds staat de huidige ontwikkeling van robots voor een significante evolutie in de menselijke ontwikkeling. Deze juxtapositie die de twee belangrijke industriële revoluties verbindt – de industriële revolutie rond 1900 en de robotrevolutie rond 2000 – belichaamt de fusie van mens en technologie en creëert een lus die de tijd overstijgt. In samenwerking met robotica-professor Erwin R. Boer van de Technische Universiteit Delft en de University of California in San Diego, documenteert Wanda de huidige wereldwijde robotrevolutie en met name de robots die het meest menselijk geïncarneerd zijn in zogenaamde androïden.
17-22 januari 2023: London art Fair:
Ameca (2022, Falmouth UK)
Ameca is the world’s most advanced human shaped robot designed by ‘Engineered Arts’. The face and head were built using “Mesmer” technology with the goal of creating a mixed-race gender neutral appearance. Ameca is the perfect humanoid robot platform for human-robot interaction.
Ai-Da (2019, Oxford UK): Ai-Da is invented by Aidan Meller and designed by robotics company ‘Engineered Arts’ with algorithms developed by scientists at the University of Oxford, and robotic arms and hands developed by AI engineers at Leeds University. Ai-Da is the world’s first ultra-realistic AI robot artist who uses her AI brain and her eyes to draw, paint and sculpt and is a performance artist.
Ai-Da (2022): The portrait of the robot Ai-Da reproduced on a leaf has been an organic environmentally friendly photographic process from nature. To slow down the decay of the organic material, the natural leaf is preserved in epoxy. The result is a mysterious portrait of Ai-Da, immortalized as a digital phenomenon in symbiosis with the natural world.
‘Androids’: The series ‘Androids’ wants to reflect on the definition of man and how it could evolve as humanity continues to mechanize and digitize. These human-like robots, the future of human innovation, are captured with a 19th Century wooden camera, one of the oldest mechanical tools for imaging the world around us.
A.I. generated portraits of Robots (2020): The A.I. generated portraits of robotKansei, Telenoid and Ai-Da are based on the original portraits of robots taken with a 1880s camera combined with paintings from the golden ages. The fusion of classical paintings with today’s android robots produces faces that are an amalgamation across time, gender, style, and human form.
2022: Werk in groepsexpositie ‘A something in a Summer’s Day’: Summer Goddess, mixed media. Details over de werken op GalleryViewer,
She, bestower of spirit whose clear radiant breath of fire pervades the light of knowledge and imparts consciousness to all creation. Dressed in shades of green and brown, her golden face radiates in its greatest strength, dispelling the clouds to invade the earth as the birth-giver of all living things.
Van links naar rechts:
Nikki van Es, Helen Vergouwen, Wanda Tuerlinckx en Lise Sore
Werken van Wanda zijn te koop via Gallery Viewer